
This section covers how to use Go Elasticsearch Alerts.


Once you have installed the binary, simply execute it in order to start the daemon running.

$ ./go-elasticsearch-alerts

Distributed Operation

Go Elasticserach Alerts can be run in a distributed fashion without sending duplicate alerts. Distributed operation can be enabled in the main configuration file. It uses the lock feature of Hashicorp’s Consul for synchronization across nodes and as such requires a functioning Consul server in order to use this feature.

Specifically, each instance of this process will attempt to acquire the lock, but only one node can have the lock at any given time. If the instance holding the lock is killed, another instance will acquire the lock and become the leader. Only the instance holding the lock will execute queries. However, all instances will continue to maintain state regardless of whether or not they have the lock.

Reloading Rules

Go Elasticsearch Alerts allows you to change your rule configuration files without having to restart the process. If you change your rules and wish to update the process to use the updated rules, simply send the process a SIGHUP signal. It will then stop the currently- running query handlers, parse the rules, create new query handlers with the new rules, and start query handlers. You can send a SIGHUP signal to the process with the following command:

$ kill -SIGHUP $(ps aux | grep '[g]o-elasticsearch-alerts' | awk '{print $2}')


Because Go Elasticsearch Alerts can be run in a distributed fashion and allows live rule updates it is highly compatible with HashiCorp’s Nomad application scheduler. See the code block below for an example Nomad file.


job "go-elasticsearch-alerts" {

  datacenters = ["us-east-1"]
  region      = "us-east"
  type        = "service"

  update {
    max_parallel     = 1
    canary           = 1
    min_healthy_time = "30s"
    healthy_deadline = "2m"
    auto_revert      = true

  migrate {
    max_parallel     = 1
    health_check     = "checks"
    min_healthy_time = "30s"
    healthy_deadline = "5m"

  meta {

  group "alerters" {
    count = 2

    constraint {
      distinct_hosts = true

    ephemeral_disk {
      sticky = true

    restart {
      interval = "20s"
      attempts = 1
      delay    = "20s"
      mode     = "delay"

    task "daemon" {
      driver = "docker"

      config {
        image = "alpine:3.8"

        command = "/local/go-elasticsearch-alerts"

        volumes = [

        dns_servers = [

      artifact {
        source      = "${NOMAD_META_GO_ELASTICSEARCH_ALERTS_VERSION}/go-elasticsearch-alerts_${NOMAD_META_GO_ELASTICSEARCH_ALERTS_VERSION}_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz"
        destination = "local/"

        options {
          checksum = "sha256:471f879ed2f31c030832553c6d9cb878dac5d413892ecad9b05a7446bdf3c807"

      resources {
        memory = 400
        cpu    = 300

      env {
        GO_ELASTICSEARCH_ALERTS_CONFIG_FILE = "/local/alerts-config.json"
        GO_ELASTICSEARCH_ALERTS_RULES_DIR   = "/local/rules"

      template {
        data = <<EOH
  "elasticsearch": {
    "server": {
      "url": "https://elasticsearch.service.consul:9200"
    "client": {
      "tls_enabled": true,
      "ca_cert": "/etc/key/elastic-ca-chain.pem",
      "client_cert": "/etc/key/elastic-cert.pem",
      "client_key": "/etc/key/elastic-key.pem",
      "server_name": "node.elasticsearch.service.consul"
  "distributed": true,
  "consul": {
    "consul_lock_key": "go-elasticsearch-alerts/leader",
    "consul_http_addr": "http://{{ env "" }}:8500"
        destination = "local/alerts-config.json"
        change_mode = "restart"

      template {
        data = <<EOH
{{ key "go-elasticsearch-alerts/rules/apm-errors" }}
        destination = "local/rules/apm-errors.json"
        change_mode   = "signal"
        change_signal = "SIGHUP"

According to this job definition, when the job is executed Nomad will download the Go Elasticsearch Binary from the Github releases page since it was defined as an artifact and insert it into the container and execute it. Also, because the rule (called "apm-errors" in the example) is stored as a template in Consul, if you change the template in Consul then Nomad will send a SIGHUP to the process and update the rule without you having to restart the job. This definition avoids the need to create custom Docker images for your job.