
This part of the documentation covers the installation of the Go Elasticsearch Alerts binary.


You can download your preferred variant of the binary from the releases page of this project’s GitHub repository.

Go Get

If you have Go installed locally, you can build the binary via go get:

$ go get

Once the command finishes, the binary can be found in $GOPATH/bin.


If you do not have Go installed locally, you can still build the binary if you have Docker installed. Simply clone this repository and run make docker to build the binary within a Docker container and output it to the local directory:

$ git clone
$ cd go-elasticsearch-alerts
$ make docker

Once the command finishes, the binary can be found in the bin directory.

You can also cross-compile the binary using the $TARGET_GOOS and $TARGET_GOARCH environment variables. For example, if you wish to compile the binary for a 64-bit (x86-64) Windows machine, run the following command:

$ TARGET_GOOS="windows" TARGET_GOARCH="amd64" make docker